Still looking to leverage your 9-5 to build a business that you love and possibly double your income…?

If you’re reading this page, it’s because you are a tenacious, intelligent professional who has deeper aspirations in mind. This information is only reserved for specific individuals who meet our criteria, so please maintain the privacy and confidentiality of this page.

We’re looking for a small group of new or aspiring entrepreneurs to work closely with so you:

  • Develop inner clarity regarding your skills, talents, and aspirations

  • Have an energetically-aligned blueprint for your business so you can follow your passions

  • Start off your business the right way by removing inner blocks that inhibit or delay your success

Why we’re offering this to you:

After working with various new entrepreneurs, we realized that our clients experienced an energetic imbalance that resulted in sporadic work-cycles, procrastination, and feeling like they were ready to give up on themselves and their businesses. Several of these behaviors that led to business and personal stagnation stemmed from a mixture of avoidance and compulsive behaviors. They engaged in certain non-urgent tasks because they felt good, and avoided important tasks because they triggered uncomfortable (and sometimes even painful) feelings.

In our previous work, we helped individuals to effortlessly break these patterns by removing the root cause. This led our clients to experience a sensation of inner freedom and inherent confidence. Inherent confidence is where you don’t engage in additional tasks like affirmations or in certain routines to feel good enough - you internally experience good enoughness regardless of what you do or what happens.

Our clients, some of whom had been working on their businesses for a couple of years or more, agreed that working through these inner blocks was the best way to start up their businesses.

This is why we shifted our focus to help new and aspiring entrepreneurs start off their business the right way with (1) mental disinhibition and (2) business clarity. Ultimately this creates an energetically-aligned blueprint for success.

And so, we are launching a new, intensive, and individually-curated program designed specifically for new & aspiring entrepreneurs looking to leverage their 9-5 to build a business they love, possibly double their income, and actually enjoy their lives!

In this program, we focus on what has given our clients success -

  • Gently guide entrepreneurs to easily break patterns that are keeping them stuck. This includes removing inflexible guidelines they may have adopted from others and, thus, enabling them to gain inner clarity.

  • Equipping clients with guidance on important considerations to have a strategic and energetically-aligned business blueprint.

  • We also offer energy-healing services to our clients if this is something they are interested in.

  • Providing clients with a proper launching pad for their business so they can catapult to success based on their passions and aspirations.

Our clients’ experiences go beyond extraordinary - they begin experiencing synchronicities in their life because they are able to be themselves and end up in the right time at the right places. It’s truly a remarkable transformation!

And so, we want to share these resources with you! To help you succeed and shine your own light because doing so has a ripple-effect that encourages others to also shine their own inner lights.

Now, here are some of the reasons as to why you may hesitate -

  • It’s a big time commitment.

    • We will be working together for 6 months

    • During this program, we will meet once per week for 90 minutes to gently break patterns keeping you away from success.

    • You will be expected to complete a daily transformation tracker that takes 15-30 minutes.

    • There are self-guided prompts and modules that may take an additional hour or two to complete.

    • In total, this requires about 4-5 hours of dedication per week for a few months now that will actually save you hours of stress, overwhelm, and emotional roller-coasters later.

  • You don’t know if you can do it.

    • Perhaps you have experienced failures in the past and don’t know if you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur. I won’t sugar-coat things - being an entrepreneur comes with its own unique set of challenges.

    • Doing this requires taking a leap of faith on yourself. But here’s the thing, entrepreneurship is the vehicle for self-transformation. So, instead of wondering if you have what it takes, why not shift this thinking to ‘am I ready to transform myself and my life to do what I love and enjoy?’

      • Only you have the answer to this.

  • You’re not ready to invest in yourself.

    • There may be a myriad of reasons as to why you may not be ready to invest in yourself - financial, time-wise, current life-circumstances- and that’s okay. This program isn’t for everyone.

    • But, there is one question I invite you to consider first: what will my life look like 6-months, or even a year or two, from now if I don’t take action now? What is the true cost of not investing in myself?

The Offer...

Now, let’s talk about the details. In the future, the cost of the program will be $3,500. But you can get in now for substantially less.

After our time together, you will walk away with…

  • Inherent confidence, meaning no more putting yourself down, doubting yourself, or abiding by others’ rules. This seeps into all facets of your life, and you may feel lighter, happier, and full of excitement.

  • An approach to your business from an aligned perspective of what you love, want, and enjoy.

  • A strategic, energetically-aligned roadmap for your business so you have a starting point and starting it feels like a seamless transition. This means money coming in and getting a ROI.

  • Access to our trusted referral network to help you with tasks that you may either not enjoy or not know much about, such as our website & graphic designer, marketing strategist, sales consultant, and more!


  • Access to our quarterly Mastermind with other business owners

  • Two 30-minute Reiki energy-healing sessions every month

As a founding client of this specific program, we are offering you an initial investment value of only $2,000.

Our money back guarantee

  • We are confident that you’ll see the value of our program within our first session together.

  • If you don’t see the value of our program after our first session, we will discontinue the program and give you your money back with no questions asked.

  • We only ask that you email us letting us know that you would like to discontinue our program within 7 days of our first session to be respectful of, both, your and our time.

Here are some fun bonus side-effects our previous clients have noticed

  • Feeling lighter and having more energy

  • Noticing increased synchronicities in their lives

  • Experiencing more joy in their lives

  • Being more productive